Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Population Control/Regulation = 6.5 BILLION SO FAR!!

Our country/world needs to have "Populuation Regulation" with incentives for waiting and/or refraining from reproducing, especially when one doesn't possess the basic necessities to provide for a child, much less 2-14. I've been planning on running for U.S. President in 2020 for over 10 years now, so I can eventually put my solutions to the world's problems in action. We need more birth control options for men: a shot, a pill, something user-friendly. Doctor's should be required to obtain financial records before they provide in-vitro. I still don't understand why the media hasn't disclosed how this woman paid for the procedure and her cosmetic surgery. That is a very important piece of info. Norplant, or something like it, should be brought back to provide 5 year birth control via "matchsticks" tempoarily under the upper arm. It should be available to men and women. There should be incentives of a grant for a home/condo and/or college for people who wait to have children until age 30. There should be a huge financial penalty if someone has more than 2 children. Our freeways are so crowded, jobs/colleges are increasingly competitive, pollution is increasing, our welfare system is out of control, etc. No one should be eligible for welfare unless they are temporarily sterilized with Depo [every 3 months] or Norplant. I hate to see a pregnant woman with a young child using food stamps. It's such a slap in the face to people who have empathy.

Sorry, I'm suddenly inspired to be on a soap box....... call it part of my "campaign" [remember my dream job?]. That's not really my motive, of course. I truly care about calling out the elephants in the room, for the sake of creating a healthier and happier world.

"women in the least developed countries had, on average, twice as many children
[5.4 children per woman] as women in developing countries."

This is ASS BACKWARDS. If someone is POOR, you'ld think they would abstain or at least have LESS CHILDREN than the RICH people, NOT MORE!! If parent's naturally love their children unlike any other, why would they bring them into the world to starve/suffer? It's usually because of a cultural tradition and mostly a lack of birth control and ignorance.

We are all frustrated with tons and tons of increasing traffic on the freeways and how this population explosion affects the environment, the economy, employment, health care, drugs/gangs/violence, quality of life, etc. Have you ever seen a pregnant hispanic lady with several children in tow, using food stamps? WHY oh WHY is this so common?? Even if you're RICH, having more than 2 kids, let alone the maximum kids possible in a lifetime, is draining on the rest of the world in every way. With all the illegal immigration sucking up resources without giving back equally in tax money, why do these people make it a million times worse and have a million babies they can't afford? Haven't the Mexicans taken over enough?? Everything is Mexi/Cali now, Spanish required at many jobs, all over commercials and billboards, enough alreadly. It's one thing to come over out of desperation, it's a whole other animal when they became the majority ethnicity everywhere. Why isn't anyone, especially Obama and Oprah, talking about this "greed"/chaos and implementing population control with incentives and consequences for having children, like China, Africa, and Latin America?? It's mind-blowing neglect.

Men need more control/options for their prevention of pregnancy/ies with birth control [not just condoms, they deserve more options like women do]. With all the men who've gotten a girl pregnant and ended up with the guilt of an abortion against or with their consent or child support and ties to the woman/child for 18 years to eternity, YOU'LD THINK OUR MALE-DOMINATED SOCIETY WOULD'VE COME UP WITH SOME MORE RELIABLE BIRTH CONTROL OPTIONS FOR THEMSELVES!!! SOMEONE COULD MAKE A TON OF MONEY ON THIS NEED IN THE MARKET.

Girls should be given birth control shots the day they get their period, whatever age that may be, and regardless of what the parents think their daughter will do or not do. Norplant was the best because it was implanted in the arm for 5 years, too bad it was taken off the market recently. Depo shot is the next best thing, renewing every 3 months. This should be available over the counter or at least a year supply to give oneself a shot at home. Too many girls forget to take their pill or don't realize it's ineffective when combined with an antibiotic medication.

Wikipedia Facts
"Even with the one-child policy in place, however, "China still has one million more births than deaths every five weeks." In addition, there are still six hundred million people in China living on less than two dollars a day.[26]Ridiculous.

And then there's Africa, where they're all starving to death and dying of AIDS, yet continue to have baby after baby after baby. WTF???!!! Why do we give them "hand outs" of food and occasional medicine, and not give them proper birth control / sterilization options?? Many men refuse to use condoms because they're Catholic and they still think it's against the religion, even though the Pope approved birth control many years ago. Latin America is mostly Catholics too, that's why many of them still don't use birth control. STUPID.

More Wikipedia:
"62 countries are considered to be highly affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, 40 of which are located in Africa. In projecting the effect of the disease, it is assumed that 31 of the most affected countries will manage to provide, by 2015, antiretroviral treatment to 70 per cent or more of the persons suffering from AIDS. In the rest of the affected countries, treatment levels are expected to be lower, reaching between 40 and 50 per cent by 2015. It is further assumed that persons receiving treatment survive, on average, 17.5 years instead of the 10 years expected in the absence of treatment. For every dollar spent in family planning, between 2 and 6 dollars can be saved in interventions aimed at achieving other development goals.

Love, Lis'

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